Category Archives: Uncategorized

Picking and Making Your Own Food, A Great Living Skill

Picking and making your own food is a very IMPORTANT living skill, due to the fact you need food to fuel your energy. Food is also many other things, it’s what links us all together as one. People separate us as different cultures, but we all have the same things in mind, one of them is we all eat food. Don’t we all? Don’t tell me you don’t. It’s very important in your life, in my life, in everyone’s life to know how to cook and make your own food. It’s something you have to do every single day, but some of us don’t. But you should. During Wow Camp I learned all these different things. We got our food from the local warungs; we picked oranges & the local wild strawberries. We even went fishing, and caught fish for our dinner. At wow camp they simplified foods & made it fun, by letting us make and cook the foods. It also taught the lesson of awareness. Because when you make your food, and people eat it. Sometimes people forget the fact that it takes work to make the food, and wash all the dishes afterwards. When your making your food, and you have to clean it up. It teaches you to clean up after yourself, an important lesson. We made all sorts of delicious foods while camping, including parfait, fish, fruit salad, tofu, stuffed pumpkin, pumpkin soup, & lots more! It really teaches you to be Thankful for your food, and you’ll appreciate it more if you make yourself!

Check out Wow Camp at

The Steps to Being Your High Dynamic-Self

There are five steps to being truly dynamic, in your everyday life.

Today I am at Wow Camp, where I learned what it is to be truly dynamic & what being dynamic means. I always hear people say “Yoga”, is dynamic. But in reality anything can become dynamic in your everyday life. While Yoga is still at it’s very infancy in being truly dynamic. Most people say they ARE Dynamic, when they are truly not dynamic. Because you have to dig deep into dynamism, you don’t go up. You have to dig deep into being dynamic; here are the five steps to being dynamic.


  1. Thought: Thoughts are a form of understanding, Information that you process. You could be saying one thing, but thinking another completely different thing. “Do what you say, & say what you do.”
  1. Visual: Your visuals also have to have at least a basic awareness. For instance, your video two different people who are talking. Instead of going back and forth, from each person. Have them stand near each other, so you can get them in the same frame, so you don’t have to go back and forth.
  1. Audio: I could talk in a very serious voice, but it’s not true, if I’m dancing around like a hooligan. The kinesthetic of it does not lie. You also need to be aware, of your own voice. Can everyone hear you? Can the camera hear you?
  1. Kinesthetic: As I said above, the Kinesthetic of your body does not lie, it just doesn’t. You could say, “welcome”, but your Kinesthetic of your body says you’re “not welcome”.
  1. Interactive: Be Interactive through your words, as I said above, make sure everyone can hear you. Say your ideas, don’t just stand on the side and do nothing. Don’t just nod; tell the person your feedback!

Follow the steps, and be aware of them. Remember your Thoughts, Visual, Audio, Kinesthetic, & being Interactive can make you more dynamic. Which will enable you to reach your own “High Dynamic-Self”.

What I learned from this experience, was that you have to “do what you say and say what you do”. You also have to be here, in the now. Not dazing off into some imaginary land. When you’re learning, you have to do something with that new knowledge. You can’t just sit around and do nothing. Go share it with a friend, blog about it, share it on Facebook. Share your new knowledge. You also have to be truthful, if you don’t want to be here, then don’t. No one is truly forcing you to be here.